Date: 26 April 2022 - 26 May 2022

Place: Mallnitz, Austria

Sit: A nice B&B outside the tourists seasons, with 1 dog

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Wianda en Rex contacted us after they found our house sitter profile on the Dutch platform Thereafter we had contact via Skype and WhatsApp to see if we had a click and to finalize the dates for this sit.

Wianda and Rex are the owners from Carinthia Apartments in Mallnitz, Austria They asked us to take of their 2 dogs Nena and Nowie (both mix breeds) and their apartment complex. They didn’t have bookings during our sit, because it was just in between the touristic seasons. We had 4 days together with Wianda and Rex as a test period and that was necessary. During these 4 days it was clear that Nena didn’t like our presence and she did bite Kirsten twice. No big injuries, but the attacks came out of the blue and we couldn’t trust her. This was a concern for us, but also for Wianda and Rex. Long story short…………. they had to put Nena in a rescue shelter where she was assigned to a personal dog trainer.

We stayed with Nowie, the other small mix breed dog. She was very easy to take care of and very funny and nice to have around. She definitely enjoyed our company. We walked her twice a day and we took her everywhere with us. When we walked and explored the Austrian mountains, when we went to local markets or going out for lunch/dinner, she was always with us. She is so well behaved and easy going. It was really fun to take care of her.

We had surprisingly good weather during our sit. We had the snow on the top of the mountains with temperature around 5C at 2.800 meter, but also the green valleys with a lot of sun and 28C. Mallnitz and area surprised us in a pleasant way. Despite the fact that it was in between the touristic seasons and most bars and restaurants in Mallnitz just opened at the end of our stay, we had a great time and we enjoyed the beauty of the area. We can definitely recommend this place and Wianda and Rex to other house sitters and we would love to come back if our schedules would match in the future.

Thanks Wianda, Rex and Nowie for having us as your sitters.

Review : Review : Review:

Review received 13th of June

Kirsten and Iwan looked after our house and our dog for 4 weeks. They are very reliable and we were able to leave our house and the care of our dog in good hands!

  • Organised *****
  • Reliable *****
  • Self-sufficient *****
  • Tidy *****
  • Pet care *****

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