Date: 6 February 2021 11 December 2021

Place: Denia, Spain

Sit: Villa in the neighborhood La Pedrera with 2 dogs and 2 lovely cats

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We got this sit via We spoke with Ginnie and Dave via video calling before we agreed on this sit. We originally should stay here 4 months, but we and Ginnie and Dave experienced some unbelievable coincidental personal circumstances that we extended this sit to 11th of December 2021. The communication with Ginnie and Dave was really easy and pleasant. We had regular contact via chats and video calls, just because it was fun, not because there were obligations. We spent 2 days together at the end of our sit and we had a good time together. We have and we will definitely keep in touch with them!

We stayed here for 10 months, our longest sit at that time. The weather and the location where absolutely perfect, but maybe the most important were the beautiful and kind pets! We had so much fun with Patch, Poppy, Minky and Rocco. Poppy, is the sweetest dog we ever met……. full of energy and a perfect running buddy for Iwan, and always asking for attention. She wants to please the one who takes care of her. Patch is the gentle giant and does everything for food. She is very good with people, but not with other dogs. She’s strong but you can manage her very good. We walked her mostly with a muzzle. There are so many different walking routes in the area, but we took the dogs mostly uphill to the slopes of The Montgo, to the beach and to the fields close to the “old cement factory” where we could leave them of leash and let them run. They are no water lovers, easy to handle and easy to take care for. No medication and not much grooming. But we also had the pleasure to look after the 2 unbelievable kind cats Minky and Rocco. Minky acts like he’s a dog. He was always with Kirsten, even lying on her shoulders when she was working. He was always at our side on the property. Rocco looks grumpy (it’s a ginger cat with the looks of Garfield) but is so relaxed. When we were on the property they were always with us. When we left the property they wandered around in the neighborhood and when we came back home they immediately came back tot catch up with us. The dogs and cats were very well together and there were never problems. We went 3 times to the vet. Twice with Rocco to diagnose his eyes and a follow up consult. And once to get the regular worm tablets for the cats and dogs. All costs were paid by us and immediately reimbursed by Ginnie and Dave. Other expenses, like dog and cat food or materials for the pool, were always paid by us and immediately reimbursed. Never any problems with Ginnie and Dave.

We also took care of the nice swimming pool, we pruned where necessary and we kept the property tidy. That was really easy to do. The house has beautiful sea views and overlooks Denia. It has central heating and air conditioning so it’s great during the winter months and summer months. There is so much to do in the area. Iwan cycled a lot and we went to all kind of markets in the area and of course to the beach! We will come back in August 2022 and we look really forward to meet the pets and of course Ginnie and Dave. We still have regular contact with them. Needless to say, we recommend this sit to other sitters.

Review : Review : Review:

REVIEW received 19 January 2022

FABULOUS – Yes!! This was a one of a kind experience in a good way of course!!!! We can’t thank Kirsten and Iwan enough for going that extra mile. Originally, they were booked to stay from 6th of February 2021 – 10th of June 2021, but because of unbelievable coincidental personal circumstances in all of our lives, this sit was extended to 11th of December 2021. Our personal stories connected us in a very close, unusual and incredibly positive way. Apart from the fact that all our animals and home were looked after wonderfully – we feel that we have made friends for life. I think Iwan would have smuggled Poppy our smaller dog with him to Holland if it had been possible – they both have the same kind of endless enthusiastic happy positive energy. We spent a lovely couple of days with them before they headed back to Holland for Xmas. During their stay there were regular updates, photos and long chats – they dealt with anything that needed to be sorted in a calm professional manner and kept us informed at all time. If there were any emergency expenses, they just informed us, paid for it and we then reimbursed them immediately. We felt a great connection with Iwan and Kirsten and we would totally recommend them to other owners – form an orderly queue behind us!! They are planning to come back to sit for us again later on this year and hopefully we can get to spend some more time together as well. We loved their can-do attitude and our pets were very well cared for. We certainly feel that we all connected in a very special way and we look forward to meeting up with you both again when you are next in Spain. Hasta la proxima

  • Organised            *****
  • Reliable                *****
  • Self-sufficient     *****
  • Tidy                      *****
  • Pet care                *****

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